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ins买粉 Facebook高管:只要世界有仇恨 Facebook上就会有

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - When there is hatred in the world, there will be hatred on Facebook, Steve Hatch, head of Facebook's UK marketing, said today. Many companies continue to boycott Facebook out of fear of persistent hate speech. On June 17, six major non-profit organizations launched the "stop hate for profit" campaign, which argued that Facebook has not done enough to remove divisive, racist and hate content.🟨🟧🟩🟦

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Facebook英国市场负责人史蒂夫·哈奇(Steve Hatch)今日表示,当世界上有仇恨,Facebook上也会有。出于对持续存在的仇恨言论的担忧,许多公司仍在继续抵制Facebook。6月17日,六大非营利组织发起“Stop Hate for Profit”(停止利用仇恨赚钱,即指责Facebook为了利润而纵容平台上的仇恨言论)运动,该运动认为,Facebook在删除分裂、种族主义和仇恨内容方面做得还不够。

When there is hatred in the world, there will be hatred on Facebook, Steve Hatch, head of Facebook's UK marketing, said today. Many companies continue to boycott Facebook out of fear of persistent hate speech. On June 17, six major non-profit organizations launched the "stop hate for profit" campaign, which argued that Facebook has not done enough to remove divisive, racist and hate content.




But on June 4, the number one post on Facebook was a video claiming that the unarmed black George Floyd, who was killed by the police, was a "terrible man" and that "racially motivated police brutality is a myth". The video received 24 million hits in 19 hours.

白宫工作人员本·罗兹(Ben Rhodes)6月初曾在Twitter上称:“Facebook通过一种‘凸出仇恨言论’的算法来获利。我们的处境越糟,他们的处境就越好。他们的商业模式破坏了社会凝聚力。”


哈奇说:“全世界有30亿人在使用我们的平台,数百亿的消息和帖子被交换,其中确实有一小部分仇恨言论,但我们已经尽了 大努力,将来也会继续。但是,只要世界上有仇恨,Facebook上也会有。”


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