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署长涅费奥多夫表示,“正式启动新海关的工作将使我们能够更有效地在海关领域进行变革,实施计划中的基础设施项目,对人员进行大调整。我们将继续努力重启服务,打破多年来形成的对海关的负面刻板印象,并打击走私。”涅费奥多夫署长的上述言论再次引发了人们对新海关的关注和期待。作为一个全新的海关机构,新海关的正式启动意味着海关领域将展开一系列的变革。这将包括实施计划中规划的基础设施项目,并对海关人员进行大规模调整。署长的表态传递出一个明确的信息,那就是新海关将以更高的效率与更强的执行力来履行自己的职责。 一直以来,海关在货物进出口、边境管控等方面起到了至关重要的作用。然而,由于种种原因,海关在一些方面出现了不尽如人意的情况,形成了对其负面的刻板印象。“打破负面刻板印象”成为了涅费奥多夫署长重中之重的任务之一。他表示,新海关将努力改变人们心中对海关的固有印象,通过提供更高质量、高效率的服务,树立起新的形象。 为了实现这一目标,新海关将重启一系列服务并加强打击走私活动。走私问题一直困扰着中国海关,给国家带来了不小的经济损失。新海关的成立将为打击走私提供一个绝佳的机会。优化的工作流程、现代化的技术设备和高效的人员调配将使海关更加灵活和反应迅速,进一步加大打击走私的力度。 除了提供更好的服务和打击走私,新海关还将注重基础设施项目的实施。基础设施是海关工作的重要保障和支撑,而目前存在的一些问题、不足也限制了海关的发展。新海关将投入更多的经费和资源,加快推进基础设施建设,以提高海关的工作效率和准确性。同时,这也将有助于加强与其他国家海关的合作,促进贸易畅通和国际关系的发展。 总之,新海关的正式启动意味着中国海关领域的变革与进步。涅费奥多夫署长的表态表明,新海关将致力于改变对海关的负面刻板印象,提供更高质量、高效率的服务,并加大打击走私的力度。同时,基础设施项目的实施将为海关工作提供更好的保障。相信随着新海关的运行和发展,中国海关将在国际舞台上展现出更加强大的实力和影响力。

Director nefeodorov said, "the official launch of the new customs will enable us to make more effective changes in the customs field, implement planned infrastructure projects and make major adjustments to personnel. We will continue to strive to restart services, break the negative stereotypes of Customs formed over the years and combat smuggling."With the official launch of the new customs, Director Nefeodorov has set a clear vision for the future. By making effective changes in the customs field, implementing infrastructure projects, and making significant adjustments to personnel, the goal is to stride towards a more efficient and modern customs system. The new customs initiative aims not only to streamline the processes but also to combat the long-standing issue of smuggling. This illicit practice has plagued customs for years, tarnishing its reputation and creating negative stereotypes. However, through the dedicated efforts of Director Nefeodorov and his team, these negative stereotypes will be shattered. Restarting services is of paramount importance to the success of the new customs. This entails introducing innovative technologies and implementing digital solutions that can expedite the flow of goods while maintaining the highest standards of security. By embracing automation and new technologies, customs can improve its efficiency, accuracy, and transparency. In addition to technological advancements, infrastructure projects will be key drivers in transforming the customs landscape. Investing in modern facilities and upgrading existing ones will create a more conducive environment for streamlined operations, trade facilitation, and enhanced control measures. The new customs approach also emphasizes personnel changes. Recognizing that a well-trained and motivated workforce is essential for success, significant adjustments will be made to ensure the right people are in the right positions. Providing adequate training, improving skills, and fostering a culture of professionalism will play a pivotal role in achieving the desired outcomes. By addressing these crucial elements - technology, infrastructure, and personnel - Nefeodorov aims to build a customs system that is efficient, transparent, and trustworthy. A renewed focus on combating smuggling is an essential step towards achieving this vision. Smuggling not only affects the national economy but also undermines the rule of law and endangers public safety. It is, therefore, paramount to implement rigorous measures to prevent and detect smuggling activities. Furthermore, breaking the negative stereotypes associated with customs is of utmost importance. Over the years, people have developed a perception that customs is slow, bureaucratic, and prone to corruption. By striving to change this perception and truly becoming a facilitator of trade, the new customs can gain the trust and confidence of businesses and the public. The official launch of the new customs marks a turning point in the field, as it sets the stage for radical improvements. With the determination to make effective changes in infrastructural development, personnel management, and combating smuggling, Nefeodorov's vision is clear. With dedication and continued efforts, the new customs system can achieve its goals and restore its standing as a reliable and efficient entity.


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