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我经常被某些西方客户弄得头大,虽然咱英语还马马虎虎,但是也不带你用各种异常熟练的当地语法来调教我们的啊。 所以 好开发信中的语法,要符合教科书一般的死板一点。这个没关系,保证客户能看懂好理解才是王道。因为我们面对的客户,也许他们的英语水平也就跟我们差 不多,像上面提到的俄罗斯客户,他们的英语很不好,如果你开发信英语写的太地道,反而会给他们的理解带来困难。

I am often confused by some western customers. Although our English is still sloppy, I don't take you to teach us with all kinds of extremely skilled local grammar. Therefore, it is best to develop the grammar in the letter, which should conform to the general rigidity of textbooks. It doesn't matter. It's the king to ensure that customers can understand and understand. Because the customers we face may have the same English level as us. For example, the Russian customers mentioned above, their English is very poor. If you write the development letter in English too idiomatically, it will bring difficulties to their understanding.


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