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● 软退件:电子信箱暂时无效,虽然信件可能会无法寄出,但只是暂时性的。也就是说,这类型的电子信箱依然有效,不应该从名单中移除。那么,有哪些原因可能导致信箱暂时无效?可能是因为收件人的信箱太满,直到清理收件匣以前都无法再收信。也有可能是因为您在工作时间以外的时间点寄信,暂时收到了自动回复。又或者,单纯是因为系统暂时故障而已。软退件的电子信箱只是暂时无法收信,一旦问题解决后,依然是可以收信的名单。

● soft return: e-mail is temporarily invalid. Although letters may not be sent, they are only temporary. In other words, this type of e-mail is still valid and should not be removed from the list. So, what are the reasons that may cause the mailbox to be temporarily invalid? It may be that the recipient's mailbox is too full to receive letters until the inbox is cleaned. It may also be that you have received an automatic reply temporarily when you send a letter outside working hours. Or simply because the system is temporarily out of order. The e-mail of soft returned items is only temporarily unavailable. Once the problem is solved, it is still a list of acceptable items.


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一家公司公然在媒体上斥责另一家竞争对手,甚至将其描绘为“黑心商人”,这对于绝大部分网友来说或许更像是影视作品里的桥段,但是就在12月17日,Facebook突然在《纽约时报》等媒体上登了一整版的“大字报”,标题赫然写着:“为了各地的小公司,我们决定站到苹果的对立面。” …
