Twitter自动赞 Twitter在北京发布《2019中国品牌出海影响力报告》

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网易科技讯 5月24日消息,近日,社交网络平台Twitter在北京携手财经商业媒体FT中文网联合发布了《2019 Twitter 品牌出海影响力报告》,并首度公布“ 具海外影响力品牌奖”。


据介绍,该报告基于Twitter平台大数据,聚焦高科技、游戏、移动应用及跨境电商行业,通过从内容质量、更新频率以及互动等维度分析这些领域中的出海主力品牌在Twitter平台上的品牌营销及效果营销表现,评选出“ 具海外影响力品牌奖”——其中不仅包含如OPPO、vivo、小米、大疆、TCL、网易游戏等全球化知名品牌,也有如传音、Club Factory、HAGO等在东南亚、中东、非洲等新兴海外市场成功立足、发展迅速的品牌。报告还从营销策略到效果层面,解析了这些走在前列的 出海品牌是如何借力Twitter的平台特性和优势,精准锁定消费者,开展品效合一的营销互动,弥合与目的地市场的文化差异,成功传递自己的品牌故事。

According to reports, based on the big data of twitter platform, the report focuses on high-tech, games, mobile applications and cross-border e-commerce industries, analyzes the brand marketing and effect marketing performance of the main brands going out to sea in these fields from the dimensions of content quality, update frequency and interaction, and selects the "most influential overseas brand award" - which includes not only oppo, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet, Internet Global well-known brands such as vivo, Xiaomi, Dajiang, TCL and Netease games, as well as brands such as Chuanyin, club factory and Hago, which have successfully established and developed rapidly in emerging overseas markets such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. From the marketing strategy to the effect level, the report also analyzes how these leading Chinese overseas brands take advantage of the platform features and advantages of Twitter to accurately target consumers, carry out the marketing interaction of integrating product and effect, bridge the cultural differences with the destination market, and successfully deliver their own brand stories.

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Twitter亚太区总裁Maya Hari表示:“ 品牌出海是一个长期的趋势,并且已经进入到由‘互动和对话’驱动的新阶段,在这个过程中,如何更精准地提升品牌认知度,并与目标消费者产生情感共鸣,是很多企业面临的挑战,而Twitter则为他们提供了一个连接全球文化,实时把握海外市场脉搏和消费趋势的强有力的平台。

据了解,截至2019年 季度末,Twitter上聚集了1.34亿可货币化日活用户(Monetizable DAU),与上年同期相比增长11%,且连续13个季度实现增长。 Twitter将 出海品牌与海外高价值受众相连,他们更有影响力、对品牌信息更包容并因此为品牌带来更多商业效应。他们产生的丰富、实时的话题标签,不仅成为品牌提供追踪、洞察受众关注点和兴趣点的渠道,更是品牌聆听受众反馈、参与当地用户对话的有效途径。Twitter帮助品牌利用全球热门事件实现话题植入和借势营销,涵盖从新闻到体育赛事,从娱乐事件到生活方式等话题。 同时,品牌方可以借助Twitter对话式视频广告工具,根据用户的互动行为,差异化地向他们推荐符合其兴趣点的视频广告,以更具互动性、顺畅的视觉展现方式,嵌入富媒体广告。

It is understood that by the end of the first quarter of 2019, 134 million monetizable daus had gathered on twitter, an increase of 11% over the same period of last year, and achieved growth for 13 consecutive quarters.   Twitter connects China's overseas brands with overseas high-value audiences, who are more influential, more tolerant of brand information, and thus bring more business effects to the brand. The rich and real-time topic tags generated by them not only become a channel for brands to provide tracking and insight into audience concerns and interests, but also an effective way for brands to listen to audience feedback and participate in local user dialogue. Twitter helps brands use global hot events to implement topic implantation and marketing, covering topics from news to sports events, from entertainment events to lifestyle.   At the same time, with the help of twitter interactive video advertising tool, brands can recommend differentiated video ads that meet their interest points to users according to their interactive behavior, and embed rich media ads in a more interactive and smooth way of visual presentation.


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