ins买粉 FB:iOS 14反追踪功能可能导致Audience Network收入减少50%

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据外媒报道,Facebook于8月26日警告广告商,苹果即将推出的反追踪工具可能会导致Audience Network收入下降50%以上,原因是该应用将会被删除广告中的个性化内容。

Facebook在一篇博文中指出,他们不会在iOS 14设备上Facebook持有的应用中收集来自广告商的标识符(IDFA)。

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据悉,苹果设备提供了IDFA,Facebook及其广告合作伙伴使用该标识符进行广告定位。在iOS 14?,IDFA是一个可选特性,其为不愿在应用内和网站上被追踪的用户提供了更大的透明度。

Facebook警告称,iOS 14?会该系统中的Audience Network变得无效,所以它可能不会在未来的平台提供。Facebook指出,它将有能力对?iOS 14?提供有针对性广告做一些限制。一些?iOS 14?用户将无法从Facebook的audience Network项目看到广告。使用Facebook的Audience Network项目的出版商和开发人员应该依赖更低的CPM。

Facebook warned that IOS 14? Will disable the audience network in the system, so it may not be available on future platforms. Facebook pointed out that it will be able to make some restrictions on targeted advertising provided by "IOS 14". Some? IOS 14? Users will not be able to see ads from Facebook's audience network project. Publishers and developers using Facebook's audience network project should rely on lower CPM.


?iOS 14?在Settings(设置)的Privacy(隐私)部分中有一个著名的“Tracking(追踪)”部分,通过它,用户可以禁掉应用用来追踪他们的功能的选项。然而即使关闭了这一功能,应用在其他公司所有的应用和网站上追踪用户仍必须获得许可,这对一直在幕后进行的无声广告相关追踪是一个打击。

? IOS 14? Has a famous "tracking" section in the Privacy section of settings, through which users can disable the options used by apps to track their functions. However, even if this function is turned off, apps must still be licensed to track users on all apps and websites of other companies, which is a blow to the silent advertising related tracking that has been carried out behind the scenes.

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