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ins买粉 消息称TikTok考虑将总部设在伦敦 正与英国政府谈判

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - According to sources, over the past few months, the tiktok international version TikTok, which is headquartered in London, has been discussing with the British government. London is one of several locations the company is considering as its headquarters location choice, but no final decision has yet been made, the source said.🟨🟧🟩🟦

消息人士透露,在过去几个月里,关于将总部设在伦敦事宜,短视频应用抖音 版TikTok一直在与英国政府进行讨论。消息人士表示,作为总部地点选择,伦敦是该公司正在考虑的几个位置之一,但还没有作出 后的决定。

[ins刷粉自助平台网] https://www.xianfarm.com

According to sources, over the past few months, the tiktok international version TikTok, which is headquartered in London, has been discussing with the British government. London is one of several locations the company is considering as its headquarters location choice, but no final decision has yet been made, the source said.

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目前尚不清楚的是,除了英国伦敦之外,该公司正在考虑的总部地点选项还包括哪些其他地点。TikTok今年已在美国加州大胆地聘用了部分高管人员,其中包括雇佣了迪斯尼公司前高管官凯文·梅耶尔(Kevin Mayer),并且让其担任TikTok首席执行官。而他的工作地点就在美国。这也引发该公司总部地点是否将设在美国的猜想。

TikTok深受青少年喜爱,在美国和其他 取得了巨大成功。它和国内颤音都是北京字节跳动的短视频应用公司。然而,以安全担忧为借口,TikTok正在受到美国政府的严厉审查,美国政府声称 可能会强迫公司提交用户数据。

消息人士称,在过去几周里,TikTok的注意力一直对着美国,但没有排除伦敦作为其新总部地点选项的可能性。消息人士表示,预计在未来几年,该公司在伦敦和 以外其它重要地方,将“显著地”增加员工队伍的规模。

Tiktok has been focusing on the US for the past few weeks, but has not ruled out London as an option for its new headquarters location, the source said. The source said it expected the company to "significantly" increase the size of its workforce in London and other important places outside China in the next few years.



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