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When we bid, the price should depend on the type of keywords. These keywords must serve the promotion of our product ranking. For these words that do not promote, we don't have to bid to waste that money. Such useless words are also called "useless words". We don't have to bid for such words, Just delete it directly. The second category is high-volume words. Among high-volume words, model words and precision words are mainly helpful to us. Among them, we also bid for model words, but we need to keep the bid at a low level. For precision words, we must combine the actual development of the company and then bid higher, Strive to promote the word to the top five through the influence of bidding. Of course, there are also words with low traffic that deserve our high price. This is words with low traffic but high accuracy. We must bid high price for such words, and then strive to ensure that the word is stable in the top five. There are also some useful words. Yes, this kind of words don't panic and bid first. For example, some valuable low star words. At this time, we first optimize and improve their star level, and then we'll talk about bidding,

其实,通过我们对P4P中出价原则的了解我们也看出来些端倪了吧,不过这些原则怎么变,但是也是围着P4P的运营规则来进行的,所以在了解出价原则之前,我们 好还是要对于P4P进行一个深入的学习和了解才是,从而更好的把握住我们出价的度,为我们产品排名的提升而积极助力。

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