fb涨人气粉 扎克伯格:Facebook算法并没有在网络愤怒问题上煽风点火

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据外媒cnet报道,Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格表示,认为社交媒体平台是用来激怒人们的说法是错误的。他在接受HBO Axios的采访时承认,Facebook上的党派内容通常会获得较高的参与度,但他表示,这并不能解释人们在Facebook上看到、读到和学到的所有内容。

According to foreign media CNET, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that it is wrong to say that the social media platform is used to provoke people. In an interview with HBO Axios, he acknowledged that partisan content on Facebook usually gets a high degree of participation, but said that doesn't explain everything people see, read and learn on Facebook.

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His comments come just after a wave of resistance against the company, including Facebook's own employees. In May, Facebook employees staged a "virtual strike" to protest the company's decision not to deal with a post by US President Donald Trump that they said could incite violence.

今年7月,包括The North Face和Ben&Jerry's等大品牌在内的1000多家公司发布宣言,他们将停止购买Facebook的广告,一直到该公司采取更多措施打击其平台上的仇恨言论。


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