ins买粉 对标TikTok:Facebook周三在美上线Reels

🟨🟧🟩🟦『』 - 今年早些时候,Instagram首席执行官AdamMosseri在谈到Snapchat时表示:“当有人(别的公司)做了很棒的事情时,我们必须愿意承认,并努力从中学习,来获取进步。”- ins刷粉自助平台网- ins 买 粉 货真价实的好粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦

instagram 网页 版

According to foreign media reports, Facebook's ins launched a short video app called reels embedded in INS on Wednesday to benchmark tiktok, which has recently experienced explosive business growth but has been shackled in the United States. Reels is not an independent app, but a small application embedded in the bottom of INS. Similar to tiktok, reels allows users to upload short videos of 15 seconds to share with other users on the website, and users can also edit the videos by inserting soundtracks, etc.

据悉,Reels于去年11月在巴西市场首发,后又在6月进入法国市场,在7月入驻印度市场,本周三,其正式宣布在美国和其他50余个 和地区上线,正式对标TikTok。

Instagram母公司Facebook在“抄”其他流行社交媒体应用“作业”方面的记录很多,但目前而言能善终的几乎没有。Facebook之前为和TikTok竞争推出的Lasso近期已被下线。其 近还关闭了旨在与Pinterest分一杯羹的Hobbi。据悉,Facebook在把竞争对手的火爆功能添加到Instagram和Facebook中反而取得了更好的成绩,比如它仿照Snapchat添加了“Stories”功能。该公司在一篇博客文章中表示,“Reels能为人们提供表达自我的新方式,用户也可以在Instagram上发现更多自己喜欢的东西,Reels还能帮助任何有抱负成为创造者的人占据‘C位’。”

近期,特朗普政府已将目光投向TikTok,敦促其母公司字节跳动剥离美国市场这一快速增长的领域,还勒令其把TikTok出售给一家美国本土公司,否则就有可能因“ 安全问题”而禁止其在美国市场使用。





In addition, some media sources said that Facebook last month threw an "olive branch" to KOL, the head of tiktok, in the hope that they could give up tiktok and transfer to reels, and give a large amount of money budget to these bloggers. However, there is no news to show how much success this measure has achieved.


