ins推广 喂,不上班行不行呀?我做亚马逊养你呀!

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“做亚马逊开始的时候 难,一定要坚持,用心地坚持,轻车熟路之后就简单多了,我终于有底气对我媳妇儿说,以后如果你不想上班了我做亚马逊养你”

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王先生和他太太是2012年认识的,高中同学,他太太对他一见钟情,说就是喜欢他脸上永远洋溢着自信的笑。但是兜兜转转一直到大学毕业了两个人才算真正走到一起,可以说,在创业 难 苦的那段日子,一直陪在他身边的都是他的王太太。王先生说,今天能有这样的成绩,我 要感谢的是我的太太,感谢她七年不离不弃。

其实做亚马逊并不是王先生 次创业,在这之前,26岁的他已经有过两段创业的经历了,大学期间就一直担任系学生会主席的职位,在大学期间也结识了不少志同道合的朋友,还没走出校门,就已经和朋友在学校附近合开了一家洗车店,再加上学校对大学生创业也有补贴,大学生活过得也算精彩,也存了一笔小钱。只是后来临近毕业种种原因把店转让出去了,之后,王先生回到郑州,开始了他的第二次创业,这次创业长达两年,王先生付出了时间,精力,财力,但也让一直顺风顺水的王先生摔了一大跤,几乎把所有的积蓄赔进去了不说,还刷爆了好几张信用卡,曾经信心满满的项目居然是个大坑,(这个说来话长,这里就不多做讲解)之后王先生也想过创业风险也挺大的,要不就踏踏实实找个工作,不能到时候创业欠了一屁股债让自己媳妇跟自己一块吃苦。只是这个时候王太太不愿意了,我当初就是喜欢你这一股不怕苦,不服输的样子,我也知道,让你找个工作,朝九晚五,拿着死工资从来就不是你想要的,趁着咱们还年轻,还有拼的资本,你想闯,那我就陪你!就算在失败了又怎样,大不了从头再来,这不也是你也一直对我讲的吗,再说了,要是创业成功了呢,那我岂不是成老板娘,豪门阔太了,那我就可以买lv,穿香奈儿了。王太太跟他先生打趣说。有爱人的支持,真的比什么都强!

In fact, being an Amazon is not Mr. Wang's first venture. Before that, the 26 year old has had two entrepreneurial experiences. He has been the chairman of the student union of the Department since his university. During his university, he also made many like-minded friends. He has opened a car wash shop near the school with his friends before leaving the school, In addition, the University also has subsidies for college students' entrepreneurship, so the university life is wonderful and a small amount of money has been saved. However, the store was transferred out for various reasons near graduation. After that, Mr. Wang returned to Zhengzhou and started his second business. This business lasted for two years. Mr. Wang paid his time, energy and financial resources, but it also caused Mr. Wang, who had been going well, to fall down. He lost almost all his savings. Needless to say, he also brushed out several credit cards, The once confident project was actually a big pit. (this is a long story, so I won't explain it here.) later, Mr. Wang also thought that entrepreneurship risk is also very large. Otherwise, he would be down-to-earth to find a job. He couldn't start a business at that time. He owed a lot of debt and let his daughter-in-law suffer with him. It's just that Mrs. Wang doesn't want to at this time. I liked you at the beginning. You're not afraid of hardship and don't admit defeat. I also know that it's never what you want to let you find a job, work nine to five, and take a dead salary. While we're still young and have the capital to fight, if you want to break in, I'll accompany you! Even if I fail, it's a big deal to start all over again. Isn't that what you've always told me? Besides, if I succeed in starting a business, won't I become a landlady? If the rich family is too rich, I can buy LV and wear Chanel. Mrs. Wang joked with his husband. With the support of your lover, it's really better than anything!

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再后来,也是一次偶然的机会,今年3月份初的时候在网上看到关于亚马逊无货源的项目,前期不需要囤货,主要使用erp管理系统采集其他电商平台的商品,有订单了再发货,而且 目前对跨境电商也有资金方面的扶持,前俩年身边有朋友做过淘宝店群有挣到钱,模式也和淘宝无货源相近,就留意了一下,也和哪位做过淘宝店群的朋友聊了一下,了解到近两年淘宝相比以前越来越难做了,朋友也准备转型,目前也在找项目。所以两个人就想着亚马逊能不能做,后来两个人也是多方考察了很多公司,兜兜转转找到我们,不管是从公司规模,方式,以及提供的一些列服务多方比较, 终和我们达成了合作。


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经历了 初的艰难,经过不断地学习,不断地摸索,从 开始零星几单,到现在稳定日出二三十单,到现在 利润几百元,其实前期也并没有多大的基金投入,只需要一张公司营业执照,一张visa信用卡,一台电脑,一个网线,一个店铺就可以开起来了。王先生可以,你也行!

After the initial difficulties, through continuous learning and exploration, from a few sporadic orders at the beginning to a stable sunrise of 20 or 30 orders, to a profit of several hundred yuan a day. In fact, there is not much fund investment in the early stage. Only a company business license, a visa credit card, a computer, an Internet cable and a shop can be opened. Mr. Wang can, so can you!



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